Cintāmaṇi – Nui Cobalt Designs


  • 21000

Series of 1

This talisman is named for the sacred jewel of Hindu and Buddhist tradition who grants everlasting health and prosperity.  It's story reflects that of the Western legend of the Philosophers' Stone.

Ametrine is the natural synthesis of two quartz manifestations: amethyst and citrine. It allows the conscious mind to reach serenity in alignment with the Higher Self. It further supports dynamic equilibrium and keeps all levels of energy flowing effortlessly.  Delicate briolettes of yellow sapphire nurture the indomitable spirit, elevate the mood and generate optimism.  In Vedic Astrology, this stone is sacred to Jupiter, the Greater Benefic and patron of magnanimity.  Iolite rondelles empower the third eye, encouraging clear and rapid transmissions from highest Guidance. They grant access to divine consciousness and distill vast, sophisticated concepts into succinct articulation.  Heliodor instills confidence and poise as it re-integrates disparate layers of consciousness.  It dispels ambivalence and self-doubt to make way for flawless demonstration of personal competence.  A single citrine briolette sparkles with confidence and clarity.  It is an uplifting stone that accesses the whole of one’s truth, aligning fact with perspective.

Cintāmaṇi is handcrafted and charged under the auspices of the Sagittarian moon sextile to the Aquarian sun.  The mutual support of these luminaries grants transcendent wisdom, hope and divine inspiration.

This talisman is supremely effective in all matters of manifestation.  It may be worn in support of effective problem-solving and bringing resolution to seemingly impossible challenges.  It restores the faith, ingenuity and lucidity that is needed to ensure optimal success in any endeavor.

15" Sterling Silver chain

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