* Hekate Enodia – Nui Cobalt Designs
* Hekate Enodia

* Hekate Enodia

  • 1995

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Only 3 left!

She of the Crossroads. Lady of the Ways. The goddess who guards, guides, and grants passage. An offertory incense of copal and myrrh, clove bud, star anise, tobacco, bitter almond, rosemary, Bosc pear, tonka bean, and freshly turned earth. Wear to improve navigational skills, both geographic and philosophic. Warm three drops in a diffuser as an offering to the Divine Feminine.

Available in 5 ml bottle or 1 ml sample vial. Phthalate-free.

Autumn Part I 2020 Collection

This is an Archive scent.  We are not planning any more reblends this year, just selling out remaining poured bottles/vials.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Favorite Fall Scent

A delicious and intoxicating spiced honey pear forward scent. Are you a fan of The Bees collections? Then this is for you. Are you seeking something different than the traditional fall "dead leaves/graveyard/apples/pumpkin" scents? Then this is also for you. It's not a gourmand, it's not atmospheric-it reaches beyond those to wrap you up in comfort and strength as the temperatures begin to drop and the slants of daylight weaken.

A delicious and mysterious lovechild of 2 favourites

This is the delicious and mysterious lovechild of The Bees Knees and Snowball Fight. I'm weak for pear blends and this one is gorgeous and has in its wake smooth vanilla almond, anise (which is another weakness for me) and a drizzle of hidden honey I recognize from the above mentioned perfumes. I also receive a medicinal waft of rosemary on the long drydown which added with the almond and anise gives Hekate Enodia a different edge.

A Guide in the Dark

I let this one rest for about a month and a half before writing this review. I have determined that this scent pierces through the dark and offers me solace. Do you need comfort? This is your scent. Do you need a guide in dark times? This will help you find your way. I think what stands out to me the most is a mixture of the bitter almond and copal with pear. The tobacco lingers very gently. It is not strictly autumnal; this could be worn any time of the year. It is lovely.

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