Shop: Nui Cobalt - Continuous Collection - Archive Scents - Cobalt Druid - Coastside Conjure
Scent List
* Fibbing: Coconut Cream Pie
* Tall Tales: Carrot Cake
Blanket Fort
Witchy Shoppe
* Sunroom
Parisian Pink
*Like Bees to Honey
* None of Your Beeswax
* Hive in the Wild
* Ancient Apiary
* Witches' Apiary
* Bee Kind to Yourself
Bees on the Bayou 2022
Aphrodite Peitho: Goddess of Persuasion
Aphrodite Chrysea: The Golden One
Aphrodite Nikephoros: She who brings Victory
Somniphilia: the Love of Sleep
* Thalassophilia: Love of the Ocean
* Mnemophilia: the Love of Memory
Hybristophilia: the Love of Crime