* Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy – Nui Cobalt Designs
* Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy

* Wretched Hive of Scum & Villainy

  • 1995

Headcannon: what if Sand People kept bees?
Portrait of an extraterrestrial desert and its elusive denizens: dry white sandalwood, Tunisian tea, cracked coriander, cassia bark, amber resin, raw cotton, and combs full of precious honey that few will ever taste.
Wear to expand your horizons and explore beyond the probable.

5 ml bottle or 1 ml sample vial -   Phthalate-free.

This is an Archive scent.  We are not planning any more restocks this year, just selling out remaining poured bottles/vials.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Previous review by Caitlin is spot on!

This makes me think of relishing a big spoonful of a heady, local wildflower honey. The kind that is a soft, crystalline golden color that you can buy at farmers markets or on roadsides on the way to farm country. I live in the Southwest and I really see how the previous reviewer felt like they were breathing in the air after a desert storm. Wow, reading that unlocked my mind to the vision! The smell of dry parched earth greedily sucking in the moisture, the rehydrated leaves of mesquite, manzanita and sagebrush crushed underfoot. There's truly something darkly verdant about this, beautifully subtle under the sweet muskiness of the honeyed scent.

A brilliant desert scent

There’s a scent in the Arizona desert that is both spicy, and sweet. It comes AFTER a good rain during monsoon season and it’s intoxicating. The spice is hard to describe. It’s a mix of native flora, like creosote and very pungent trees, like mesquite. The sweet smell is almost honey-like and that’s the best way I can describe it for anyone not familiar.

This scent is as close to this smell as I can get without being there. I miss the desert dearly and this scent, with an albeit wicked name, is just perfect.

If you’re a fan of Fennec Fox from The Critters Collection, you will LOVE this one. It’s a must-have and I sincerely hope that it becomes a Bee Collection staple.

Can’t say enough good things about this one y’all.

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