* Reset Button – Nui Cobalt Designs
* Reset Button

* Reset Button

  • 1995

A bracing blend to clear the slate and kick the New Year off right. Cool balsam and verdant mosses fresh with rain, cracked pink peppercorns, and grated ginger root. Anoint white candles to begin any new endeavor on the right foot, or wear this lively perfume any time you need an instant do-over.

Available in 5 ml bottle or 1 ml sample vial.

Gamer 2019 Collection

This is an Archive scent.  We are not planning any more reblends this year, just selling out remaining poured bottles/vials.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
A real-life fresh start

Reset Button is aptly named - it’s an instant pick-me-up scent, and I apply it whenever I feel a little low and need a mood boost. The moss and ginger are the most prominent notes on my skin, and together they are both calming and refreshing. In the drydown I get more of the cooling balsam, which almost has a light sweetness to it. For the gamers: your reset puts you in a small clearing, surrounded by tall evergreens, with a mossy brook babbling at your feet, and the scent of fresh ginger on the wind.

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