This lavender sits in the middle of the floral-to-herbal spectrum for lavender, with both the lovely petals and a bit of medicinal astringency. The citrus sorbet and white amber are very similar to the lovely smooth grapefruit + Spidersilk vanilla in Snowflakes and Spidersilk (plus, of course, a large bouquet of lavender!), and the honeyed rice milk is recognizable from Silver Fox. I love the way Snow Queen is similar to a lot of other favorite NCDs while also being a unique combination of notes in their overall catalog of scents. If you like Snowflakes and Spidersilk, Silver Fox, any of their sleepy lavender scents (Peace, Sleep Elixir, or Tryptophan), or the recent lavender-forward Tranquility , you should absolutely give this one a try; it's lovely.