Blog – Page 24 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Aries Moon Sextiles Venus in Aquarius: Progress Towards Pleasure

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Aries moon sextiles Venus in Aquarius before moving on into Taurus. With ambitious to-do lists in hand, we set about making connections and forging alliances that we hope will have a lasting impact on the future. We feel rooted in a sense of purpose and propelled by a desire for greater and more genuine happiness. Acknowledge and celebrate each small step as a victory in its own right. Your mind will associate progress with pleasure and make it easier to move consistently forward.

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Aries Moon Conjoins Uranus: Bold Willingness

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Caffeine may not be necessary, this morning.  The Aries moon conjoins Uranus to jolt us out of bed and into a uniquely dynamic Sunday.  A lunar square to Pluto in Capricorn inflames our frustration with the status quo.  The ways of old are getting ... well, old, and we're no longer content to perpetuate them.  Sextile to retrograde Mercury in Aquarius, Luna lights the path behind us and the jewels we've overlooked.  New life is breathed into ideas that once seemed too far-fetched.  And trine to retrograde Jupiter, she reveals an expansive inner space, a capacity for faith in our...

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Moon Enter Aries: Setting the Bar High

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The moon enters Aries, trines Saturn in Sagittarius and sextiles the Aquarian sun.  We've often heard that necessity is the mother of invention.  When faced with limitation, the primal spark ignites our ingenuity.  It propels us over, around and through any barrier with a fiery sense of purpose.  Sometimes the best motivation to succeed is being told that we can't.

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Piscean Moon Sextiles Pluto in Capricorn: Messages in Dreams

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Piscean moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and conjoins Chiron.  She floods our early morning dreams with compelling images.  They are at once pointedly personal and universal.  Their message has tremendous power to heal the wounds of our individual histories and to bridge the gaps between our fellow beings.

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Waxing Moon in Pisces: Cravings

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waxing moon in Pisces touches Saturn in Sagittarius, Neptune and Mars in Pisces.  A deep craving for more meaningful connection is stirred.  We're hungry for the kind of resonant, passionate unity that lies out of reach when we keep our interactions safe and polite.  The Aquarian sun sextiles Saturn to challenge our habits, our self-perpetuated limitations and our concepts of propriety.  Initiate an open dialog with someone who feels "other."  Let candor and receptivity guide the conversation.  Let yourself learn, really learn, the song of someone else's heart.

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