Shop: Nui Cobalt - Continuous Collection - Archive Scents - Cobalt Druid - Coastside Conjure
Scent List
Emerald Velvet
* Stay Afraid, Do It Anyway (2020): a tribute to Carrie Fisher
* Hekate Potnia Theron
* Hekate Enodia
* Hekate Deichteira
Black Moon
Guiding Star
St. Expedite
Creative Spark
* Valkyrie
* Sylph
* Ozark Hellbender
* Shenanigans: German Schichttorte
Bee In Your Bonnet
She Stopped to Pet a Bumblebee
Ailurophilia: Love of Cats
Coimetrophilia: Love of Cemeteries
Bibliophilia: Love of Books
Dendrophilia: Love of Trees