Mercury Conjoins Uranus in Aries: Secrets Revealed – Nui Cobalt Designs

Mercury Conjoins Uranus in Aries: Secrets Revealed

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Mercury conjoins Uranus in Aries just as the moon meets retrograde Saturn in Scorpio. We gain a flash of valuable insight into the workings of a secretive system. The truth, once revealed, travels like wildfire. Jupiter the Greater Benefic, stations direct in the sign of the Lion, and like dawn breaking on the cold horizon, he begins to pour hope in the yawning caverns of our inner being. The growth and expansion over which he presided in the past four months was personal, introspective, and in large part, invisible. Now, as the warmth returns, a new kind of understanding flows into our consciousness. In the coming weeks, optimism and joy will steadily fill the parched and empty spaces within.

- Nui

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