Blog – Page 18 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Mars in Aries Trines Saturn in Sagittarius: Think Carefully

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Mars in Aries trines Saturn in Sagittarius shortly before the sun meets Neptune in Pisces. Raw, undifferentiated, primal force connects with unflinching determination. Key principles are brought to light that have framed our perceptions and defined our culture. In its healthiest expression, this energy can support a great, evolutionary step forward. In its less healthy expression, it can invoke zealotry and violence. Think carefully about the areas of your own life that could use a bit of disruption. Conscious intent can steer that current in a far more positive direction. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every...

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Venus in Aries Trines Saturn: United Front

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Venus in Aries trines Saturn in Sagittarius. We find that we have certain passions in common, and this strengthens our resolve to move forward. A united front can make all things possible: it transmutes resistance into propulsion and discomfort into motivation. If there's a challenge before you that seems insurmountable, join forces with someone whose goals complement your own. If you're honest with yourself  and each other about your motivations, you'll be an unstoppable team. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Piscean Sun Squares Saturn: Old Beliefs

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The Piscean sun squares Saturn in Sagittarius. Even as outdated dogma dissolves, the old ways still cling to life with fierce tenacity. No amount of hard evidence will pry certain hands from their cherished beliefs. It's best not to squander one's energy on convincing and cajoling. Minds will either open of their own accord or not at all.  - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Waxing Moon in Taurus: Soothed Spirit

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The waxing moon enters Taurus for a comparatively tranquil end to the week. Her sextile to the Piscean sun draws us toward transcendent beauty and creature comforts. The spirit is soothed by the precious silence of an art museum, the bracing scent of good English tea, the soft crackle of a glowing fireplace or the softness of a child's hand. It is a day for restoration and peace. Allow yourself some time to consciously release the tension of the week and return to a state of balance. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Venus Conjoins Mars: Celestial Lovers

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After many weeks of traveling in increasing proximity, Venus finally conjoins Mars in the second degree of Aries. This is the first of three conjunctions that the celestial lovers will make, this year. They merge our primal drives with our capacity for connection, stirring many passions in the process. While it certainly is an excellent opportunity to ignite physical intimacy, it's also a time for emotional courage. We'd do well to speak and act directly from our hearts, taking the risk of being hurt or healed. Otherwise, the heat and pressure of repression will cause feelings to erupt against our...

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