Blog – Page 17 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Leo Moon Trines Saturn: Expand and Explore

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The Leo moon trines Saturn in Sagittarius to support us in the disciplined pursuit of authenticity. We have to get uncomfortable if we are to expand beyond the current stage of development. We will only stagnate if we stay inside what's familiar. Lunar trines to Mars, Venus and Uranus, all in Aries, stoke our motivation to evolve. And the moon's conjunction to retrograde Jupiter in Leo highlights personal revelations that unfold throughout the week. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mercury in Aquarius Sextiles Uranus: Electric Current

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Mercury in Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries and opposes retrograde Jupiter in Leo. An electric current unites fierce independence with the spirit of innovation. We stand with confidence in the face of authority and we refuse to be disregarded. Today, we speak truth to power and know that, in truth, we're beholden to no one. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Cancer Moon Opposes Pluto: Shaken Foundations

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The Cancer moon squares Uranus in Aries and opposes Pluto in Capricorn. We have witnessed and experienced some intense cultural and personal growing pains over the last few years. The foundations of our lives and the way we live them have been repeatedly shaken. In moments like these we feel drained. We're ready for some stability. In just a few weeks, the seventh and last square of this series will occur, punctuating a tumultuous and protracted trial by fire. May we all derive from it some measure of wisdom in the end. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via...

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Moon in Cancer Squares Mars in Aries: Moving Past Nostalgia

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The moon, at home in Cancer, makes an irascible square to Mars, at home in Aries. Each has its heels dug in, and we're acutely aware of what is missing in our lives. These hungers give way to reveries as Luna moves on to trine Neptune in Pisces. Dissatisfaction with the here-and-now feeds fantasy and nostalgia, but we must not get lost in them. In the very wise words of Professor Albus Dumbledore, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Waxing Moon in Gemini: Reinvent

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The waxing moon in Gemini sextiles Uranus in Aries and retrograde Jupiter in Leo. The latter two are moving closer to a heated trine, next week. We catch an early glimpse of the areas of our lives that will be reinvented, and feel the internal combustion that will propel us into action. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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