Blog – Page 15 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Sagittarian Moon Conjoins Saturn: Stillness

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The Sagittarian moon conjoins Saturn as the latter prepares for his retrograde station. Illuminated in this moment of stillness, The Greater Malefic surveys the time-honored traditions and deeply-rooted beliefs that will soon be under scrutiny. Mercury colludes in this crisis of faith as he plunges into fathomless Pisces. All certainty and permanence begins to dissolve, revealing itself as illusion and clearing the way for infinite possibility. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Uranus in Aries Nearly Squares Pluto in Capricorn: High Drama

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Just as Uranus in Aries comes within a mere fraction of a degree to an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn, along comes Mars. The Celestial Warrior storms into conjunction with the primordial Sky Titan and squares the Lord of the Underworld. It sounds like high drama, because it is. We can expect to see forceful, sudden change in our personal lives as well as on the world stage. We will need to be courageous, resourceful and - most importantly - adaptable over the next couple of weeks, as our foundations are shaken in a really big way. - Nui...

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Waning Moon Squares Jupiter in Leo: Self Reflection

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waning moon in Scorpio squares retrograde Jupiter in Leo, deflating egos and calling into question just how well we really know ourselves. A midday lunar sextile to Pluto in Capricorn foreshadows a groundswell of heated emotions that are getting ready to erupt. The structures to which we're accustomed are showing their weak points. It's becoming apparent that they've outlived their function. And while change is disruptive and damned inconvenient, the refusal to change is fatal. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Scorpio Moon Trines Neptune: Deep Emotions

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The Scorpio moon trines Neptune in Pisces, stirring deep emotions and expanding our psychic reach. Then, Mars in Aries trines retrograde Jupiter in Leo, urging us to explore more deeply into the authentic Self. It takes great courage to move beyond identity and into the true essence of being. It's a potent time for Shamanic journeying, pathworking or hypnotherapy under the guidance of a capable practitioner. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Waning Moon Opposes Venus in Aries: Opposition Arises

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The waning moon in Libra opposes Venus in Aries. It seems the more we desire to connect, the harder it is to do. Things just seem to keep getting in the way, straining our friendships, our partnerships, and our loves. One strategy for steering the energy in a positive direction is to unite over a specific task. The more challenging, the better. The lunar trine to Mercury in Aquarius can assist in this regard. Our powers of observation will help us to be more receptive, understanding, and objective in our communications. And there's nothing more conducive to a healthy relationship...

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