Blog – Page 13 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Mercury in Pisces Sextiles Pluto: Feelings Reveal More

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Once again we must trust other senses than the ones on which we so often rely. More accurate and useful data is accessed by feeling rather than thinking. Strange emotional shifts, odd physical sensations, they will inform us more faithfully than our eyes an ears can do, in this moment. The Taurean moon conjoins Venus and sextiles Neptune, creating comfort to assist us in accepting this more visceral path to knowledge, bringing a strange and surreal week to its conclusion: with precious few answers, but a wealth of wonderful questions.  - Nui Get...

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Waxing Moon in Aries: Stirs Hidden Strengths

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waxing moon in Aries touches retrograde Jupiter in Leo, Pluto in Capricorn, as well as Uranus and Mars in Aries. She stirs our hidden strengths and evokes courage from the deepest reaches of the psyche. What we've lost has set us free. Much as we may struggle to accept this new way of being, it resonates as Truth and we breathe a little easier knowing there is nothing, whatsoever, to prove. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Vernal Equinox New Moon Eclipse: Clear Definitions

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On this day of the Vernal Equinox, the New Moon eclipses the sun at 2:36 am Pacific/5:36 am Eastern at 29° of Pisces. A stark light, with no filter, reveals an emptiness that perhaps we'd hoped to ignore. The moon then enters Aries and trines retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius. The clear definitions and sharp delineations that we had thought so infallible, are proving to be nothing more than contrived intellectual constructs. They helped us to make sense of things that didn't make sense. But, the order we imposed was just a structure; not the substance. Now, we're charged with the...

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Moon Sextiles Pluto: Breaking Out of the Cocoon

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Piscean moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn, and we continue to ride out the changes as they come. The wise have long since surrendered to the process of transformation. But some still cling desperately to crumbling structures and worn-out habits that no longer offer support. The lunar conjunction to Chiron in Pisces begs the question: what old wounds, what historical pain compels us to resist evolution? To obey one's fear and refuse the unknown is to stay curled up inside a cocoon and never discover one's wings.   - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mercury Conjoins Neptune: Dreams With Access

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

In the pre-dawn hours, Mercury conjoins Neptune in Pisces, bringing conscious awareness into alignment with intuition. Dreams give us access to infinite knowledge, dissolving the boundaries between manifested and unmanifested realities. A lunar sextile to Venus in Taurus allows for a deeply-rooted and primal sense of peace to emerge. Square to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, Luna quiets our need for rational explanations and allows us to simply observe this surreal landscape as it blooms. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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