Blog – Page 11 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Venus in Taurus Sextiles Chiron in Pisces: Safe Spaces

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Venus in Taurus sextiles Chiron in Pisces, creating a safe space to explore and resolve our psychic injuries. We're supported in the process of healing old wounds, soothing the spirit and finding wisdom through that experience. Release the need for answers; let the body lead this process. Cry, dance, sleep, run, shake the stale and congested emotions out of your way. Move through the stagnation, past oppressive history and into a new stage of empowerment. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mars Into Taurus: Material Requirements

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Mars leaves his home territory of Aries and begins his patrol of Taurus. The waxing moon in Virgo trines Mars, soon thereafter. For about six weeks, the fires that propel us are fueled by a keen awareness of our material requirements. We keep our resources a little bit closer, and seek more ardently the fulfillment of the physical needs. For some, greed, materialism and hoarding tendencies may emerge. Bear in mind that it is never through wealth or luxury that we bring peace to the heart. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Venus in Taurus Trines Pluto in Capricorn: Bringing Together

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Venus in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, bringing us together in cooperation for practical purposes. Our skills, talents, and in some cases, our material assets, are invested in the interest of generations to come. We carefully consider how history will remember our choices and the values they reflect. Then, Mercury completes his surreal sojourn through Pisces, and charges headfirst into Aries. For the next two weeks, the Winge'd Messenger will apply force and speed to the function of our conscious minds. Our communications will be far more direct, perhaps sometimes tactless. Our thoughts will be focused, driven by primal needs,...

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Moon in Leo Trines Retrograde Saturn: Delve Into Self

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waxing moon in Leo trines retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius. Each of us delves into our own, personal, fathomless universe. We explore the same heart and mind that have accompanied us throughout our lives, yet somehow never cease to surprise us. A lunar trine to the exalted Aries sun evokes a sense of deeply-rooted authenticity. Not a persona, nor a role to be played, nor even a set of defining traits, but a burning core of pure spirit. This clear connection with the essential Self is immensely empowering. Make time for meditation today, and allow the conscious mind to fully...

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Cancer Moon Trines Chiron & Mercury: New Normal

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Cancer moon trines Chiron and Mercury as they drift apart in Pisces. We're settling into a new normal, one that is unencumbered by old wounds. The discoveries we made earlier in the week were jarring at first glance, but grace us with ever greater liberation as their meaning continues to unfold. An evening lunar square to Mars in Aries may pique some tempers and evoke feelings of distrust. We'd do well to steer clear of circumstances that stir up drama and find a more constructive means of releasing aggression. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every...

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