Blog – Page 10 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Mercury in Aries Trines Jupiter: Revolutionary Spirit

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Mercury in Aries makes a morning trine to Jupiter, as the latter slows toward his direct station in Leo. The sun conjoins Uranus in Aries, shortly thereafter. The revolutionary spirit is alive and well, fueled by a potent mixture of old oppression and new ideas. Humans are remarkably adaptable, and any force exerted to constrain us is met with the far greater force of our will. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Aries Sun Squares Pluto in Capricorn: Change in Plans

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The Aries sun squares Pluto in Capricorn, revealing more of the aftereffects of recent disruption. Many changes have taken place: some intended and some accidental. The results are shaking out to be not quite what we had in mind. There can be feelings of disappointment or even a sense of failure. Don't get stuck in the plan. It's important to bear in mind that the end result of any endeavor rarely resembles the original intent. And much of what has come to pass actually exceeds our hopes. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Lunar Eclipse: Personal and Global Struggles

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The total lunar eclipse occurs at 5:00 am Pacific / 8:00 am Eastern at 14° Libra. It highlights a pervasive struggle in both our personal lives and in our global culture. We too often translate fear, ideological conflict and feelings of disapproval into a rabid compulsion to exert control over people. We believe that others should think, act and live differently than they are, and so we feel entitled to force them to conform to our principles. We seek to bend them to our will. With the comparatively rare exceptions of obstructing violence to one's self or others, this urge...

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Libra Moon Sextiles Saturn in Sagittarus: Clash of Insependence

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Libra moon sextiles retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius and opposes Mercury in Aries. Our fundamental need for interpersonal connection clashes with our spirit of independence. The means to resolution is the cultivation within ourselves of genuine respect and receptivity in the face of our differences. We are fully capable of loving and honoring even those with whom we fervently disagree, with no loss whatsoever to ourselves. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mercury in Aries Trines Saturn: Get Things Done

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Mercury in Aries trines retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius. We're on a mission to get things done. Certain rules and structures may need to be disregarded if we are to maintain momentum. But, whose rules are they? And if we break them, are we sacrificing personal integrity? The Aries sun trines retrograde Jupiter in Leo to discuss the concepts of truth, principle and individualism. We're confronted by candid perspectives on our identities, and the authentic selves that our real-life choices reveal.  - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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