Blog – Page 8 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Aries Moon Trines Retrograde Saturn: Collective Evolution

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waning Aries moon trines retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, showing us that we've outgrown certain beliefs. It's less a matter of having been "wrong" before, and more a matter of gaining perspective and acquiring new data. Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn, bearing the fruit of a very long and arduous stage in our collective evolution. An illusion of permanence surrounds the structures of our lives and the terrain in which they're anchored. But, a brief scan of history reveals the steady movement hidden within the stillness. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Venus in Gemini Opposes Retrograde Saturn: Clashing Worldviews

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Overnight, Venus in Gemini opposes retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius. What begins as a friendly discussion reveals stark contrast between personal philosophies. We're tempted to pass judgement on those with whom we disagree, but there is also respect and admiration. How do we reconcile the warmth of connection with clashing worldviews? The moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces, then sextiles both Mars in Taurus and Pluto stationing in Capricorn. Compassion and a sense of shared humanity fill the spaces that talking points leave empty. We begin to realize the distinction between identity and belief. We start to release the need to be...

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Aquarian Moon Sextiles the Sun: Unique

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Aquarian moon sextiles the sun and Mercury in Aries, before moving on into Pisces. A deep awareness of subjectivity and individuality informs our day-to-day choices. We are each of us unique in the world, and the sum total of our experiences will never be duplicated in another person. That being said, no one is an island. Every action, no matter how minute, affects the lives of countless others in ways that we'll never see. Mercury enters Taurus and shifts our focus toward the assets, resources and values that sustain us. We place greater importance on the simple things, the...

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Moon in Aquarius Aspects Mars and Juptier: Go Alone or Go Together

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The waning moon in Aquarius makes hard aspects to Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Leo. There is tension between the concepts of "mine" and "ours," fueling the debate over the most effective rules of engagement. Can we coexist more healthily by leaving each other alone? Or is it better to push through the difficulty and work toward greater cooperation? The lunar sextile to Uranus in Aries sparks an innovative approach that could broaden all of our horizons. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mars in Taurus Sextiles Neptune: Daydreams

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Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces, spurring us into daydreams, or states of meditation. Having concluded recent tasks, for better or for worse, we find ourselves searching for the next great adventure. Like Sherlock Holmes languishing in the absence of a case, we must be wary of the harmful effects of aimlessness. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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