Blog – Page 9 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Venus Enters Gemini: Friendships Nurtured

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Venus concludes her short stay in the lush gardens of Taurus and enters the limitless library of Gemini. In the coming weeks, our friendships will be nurtured by lively correspondence and animated conversation. Our partnerships will involve greater and more rapid transmission of data. We'll observe, with sharpened senses, the subtlest nuances of human interaction. The Capricorn moon adds tension to the mix with aspects to Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus and the sun in Aries. Some grievances are overdue for airing. Don't avoid the argument; get it off your chest. Every connection you have in your life will be better...

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Sun Conjoins Mercury: Facts Come to Light

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Overnight, the sun conjoins Mercury in Aries. The moon enters Capricorn and trines Mars in Taurus. So many clues still remain hidden. As facts come to light they indicate a much bigger picture than we can yet see. But, there is help available from those who have been through this, before. And we find, in return, we have guidance to offer them. Every life is its own, unique story. Sometimes we travel similar roads, but perhaps at different times. Share your experience and all that it taught you. You will facilitate the alchemy of knowledge into wisdom. - Nui Get...

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Sagittarian Moon in Action: Courage is Restored

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

The Sagittarian moon trines all four major factors in this week's dynamic conditions: Jupiter in Leo, Uranus, Mercury and the sun in Aries. This supportive aspect completes the circuit, forming a loose, but potent, Grand Fire Trine and releasing tremendous accumulated energy. We are well supported in speaking truth to power, following our instincts and relying on our strengths. Courage is restored, and for some, so is faith. We're moved by a deep and primal wisdom to take risks, pursue what we truly want, and trust that it is what's right for us. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports...

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Mercury Conjoins Uranus in Aries: Secrets Revealed

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Mercury conjoins Uranus in Aries just as the moon meets retrograde Saturn in Scorpio. We gain a flash of valuable insight into the workings of a secretive system. The truth, once revealed, travels like wildfire. Jupiter the Greater Benefic, stations direct in the sign of the Lion, and like dawn breaking on the cold horizon, he begins to pour hope in the yawning caverns of our inner being. The growth and expansion over which he presided in the past four months was personal, introspective, and in large part, invisible. Now, as the warmth returns, a new kind of understanding flows...

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Mercury in Aries Squares Pluto: Tensions

Posted by Nui Cobalt on

Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn, exacerbating tensions between inconvenient truths and the established order. We find ourselves in circumstances where we must either confront those who abuse their authority, or continue to seethe with frustration. We would be wise to stand up for ourselves, even if the cause appears hopeless. The coming days will empower us to take decisive action. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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