Blog – Page 12 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Lunar Square to Aries Sun: Information Laden Dreams

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A tense lunar square to the Aries sun is soothed as the Cancer moon trines Neptune in Pisces and sextiles Taurean Venus. Our dreams facilitate the processing of some pretty heavy information, taking what we've learned earlier in the week and integrating it into our expanded world view. Hard lunar aspects to Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries and retrograde Jupiter in Leo apply resistance to any further disruption, at least for tonight. We've had our fill of tumult, for the moment, and the craving for safety and comfort is strong. We find solace in privacy or with dearest loved...

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Gemini Moon Sextiles Mars: Craving Freedom

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The Gemini moon sextiles Mars in Aries. We have a fierce craving for truth and freedom, having tasted them both in the recent days' revelations. What else remains hidden? What is yet undisclosed? We are inclined to become somewhat manic in our investigations, as the moon enters Cancer to whet our primal instincts. We feel vulnerable in the presence of uncertainty and driven to discover all that we can. It is wise to consciously temper that impulse and avoid getting lost in minutiae. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Waxing Moon in Gemini Sextiles Jupiter: Fire of Life

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The waxing moon in Gemini sextiles both retrograde Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. A spark, deep in the heart of our being, is gathering life and burning brighter. The sun in Aries trines retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius, assisting in the process of assimilating new information and surrendering delusion. Lunar squares to Chrion and Mercury in Pisces can make us yearn for old times, before we knew any better, but we also know that it's just the nature of habit to cling stubbornly to our minds. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mercury Conjoins Chiron in Pisces: Resolution

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Mercury conjoins Chiron in Pisces, and issues from the past are brought to merciful resolution. Tangled emotional strings come loose, giving way to effortless expression. The Gemini moon sextiles the sun in Aries, fanning the flames of our true will and elevating truth. Hard lunar aspects to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces highlight the challenges inherent in disillusionment. New data conflicts with our preconceived notions, and now we make the necessary adjustments to keep up with a shifting reality. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Moon Exalted in Taurus: Finding Balance

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The moon, exalted in Taurus, trines Pluto in Capricorn. We're finding our balance, again. The more grounded and centered we are, the closer we feel to our core values. It makes it easier to stand firm in our integrity, even in the midst of recent disruption. A lunar sextile to Mercury and Chiron in Pisces foreshadows an emotional revelation. We're about to learn a lot about how to forgive, let go, and move on. Venus in Taurus makes a glorious sextile to Neptune in Pisces, smoothing the rough edges and facilitating a resurgence of joy.  - Nui Get these daily...

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