Blog – Page 14 – Nui Cobalt Designs


Venus Enters Taurus: Sensual Tones

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Venus enters her domicile in Taurus, trading her battle axe for a springtime bouquet. We find, over the next few weeks, that our interpersonal connections take on a more sensual tone. We bond over sumptuous food, connect through beautiful music and, in certain circumstances, engage more indulgently in carnal pleasures. The Aquarian moon sextiles Uranus and Mars in Aries. Our capacity for brave innovation is increased, showing us new and assertive ways to tackle old problems.  - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Mercury Squares Retrograde Saturn: Instinct and Intuition

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Mercury in Pisces makes an early morning square to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius. Our customary methods of observation and reasoning prove ill-equipped for the questions at hand. The rational mind struggles to make sense of things, but instinct and intuition are way ahead of the game. An evening square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn concludes a seven-part series that has spanned almost three years. Disruption is in full swing wherever we may have gotten too comfortable. Like turning the soil prior to a new planting, our foundations are shaken so that we can start over with a...

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Capricorn Moon Squares Uranus: Disruption Can Free Us

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In the pre-dawn hours, the Capricorn moon squares Uranus in Aries and conjoins Pluto. There's a last ditch effort to maintain stability and keep things as they are. There's no question that change is uncomfortable and it's natural to want to avoid it. Nevertheless, restricting forces will only add fuel to the eventual eruption. A lunar square to Mars in Aries reiterates that fact. But a lunar sextile to the Piscean sun reveals blessings in disguise. We can see - if we look - that many of our timeless rituals have become stale, mindless habits. Disruption can free us to...

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Capricorn Moon Sextiles Mercury/Neptune: Heart of the Matter

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The Capricorn moon sextiles both Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn stations retrograde in Sagittarius, and begins a lengthy backslide that will take us through August 1st. Wisdom and patience allow us to see past the swirling chaos and into the deepest heart of the matter. If we remain focused on the long game, challenges lose their power to intimidate us. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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Moon Squares Piscean Sun: Childlike Wonder

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The waning moon in Sagittarius squares the Piscean sun to reveal conflicting and paradoxical truths. We're compelled from within to seek out greater knowledge, but with every revelation comes more uncertainty. We fear that these noble efforts may be doing more harm than good. But, the lunar trine to Venus in Aries reignites our love of learning for its own sake. We can choose to let go of the need to be correct, and simply let ourselves be guided by pure, childlike wonder. - Nui Get these daily astrology reports via email every week!

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